I really wanted to do most of it myself this time around because with my first (Elsie) I didn't really do much of it, I did do it for the first couple of weeks, but for some reason didn't do it as often as I would have liked to. So this time round I really wanted to do it all myself and so far I have done quite well until I forgot my frozen food in the freezer... so I decided to pop to Asda as they had their baby event so I could kill 2 birds one stone, I could have a little look round and pick up some ready made baby food.
When I reached the baby food section there was a pregnant lady stood there with her partner so I thought I would just have a little look at other stuff and waited until they moved, as she turned I recognised her as I used to work with her a few years back, but as she didn't seem to recognise me as I didn't want to be embarrassed I didn't say hello, I just walked over to the food and started having a look, the same couple that was stood there before felt that it was necessary to stand behind me and have a quite loud conversation about baby food that sort of went like this... the woman said "I will never be giving our baby any of that crap" man said " yeah I know its just full of crap, we don't even know what's in it" woman "there is no excuse for it, its just pure laziness, its disgusting, I will be making all my own food" and the conversation went on for a bit longer, now I have no clue if it was aimed at me but I felt like it was as they were stood behind me looking over what I was doing, I felt quite hurt and annoyed that they felt this was ok to do and that they were quite happy to stand there and judge me. Its times like these that I wish I was a confrontational person because I should have given them a piece of my mind but as I'm not built that way I just grabbed a sachet of food and walked off trying holding back the tears from coming out as I felt it was a personal attack at me as they had no reason to be stood there especially as they made it very clear that they had no intention of giving any of it to their unborn child. I wish I would have said something but never mind.
I know that some parents love to give their babies only food that they make them selves and that's obviously brilliant and what's best for them and that's my aim too, but sometimes its not always possible, and with parenting things don't always go to plan. As I was no where near my house so I decided that my best option was give my baby some ready made food, the way this couple were talking behind me was almost like I was giving him drugs or something. I felt so bad that when I got to my car I called my husband, I think mostly because no one has the right to make you feel like your a bad parent, especially without knowing you.
The reason I decided to share this is not only to have a little rant and let it all out and it has been playing on my mind but its also just to try to make people aware that most parents are doing their best and again most of us have our children's best interest at heart, we all have different parenting ways and ideas and we also all have different struggles, and nothing hurts more than someone making you feel like you are a bad parent, out of everything that I will do and achieve in my life the one thing that I DO NOT want to fail is my children they mean the world to me and I will always put them first, and I'm pretty sure that the majority of parents feel this way too. I hope that people find this useful and maybe think twice before commenting or judging parents.
Rant over lets get back to the reason for this post....
Week One
I steamed some carrots and pureed it, I made enough so I had some left over to freeze. For the first couple of days he just had a couple of teaspoons. I would defrost a cube at a time. I also baked a sweet potato and gave him a couple of teaspoon as the days went by I increased the amount. The first time he had the carrot his facial expression we so funny he was a little unsure, but he very quickly got he hang of it. He loved sweet potato and this was so easy as I just mashed it up with a fork.
Week Two
Again in this week I steamed everything, he had Apples, Pears, Carrot, Parsnip, Baked Sweet potato. I must say his favourite was the Apple he loved this. By now he was having a cube a day, and he also had an Ella's Kitchen carrot puree. I also started giving him Cerelac (which is Wheat with milk cereal) I have the Portuguese version which Cody's godmother brought back from Madeira, me and all my brothers had it as children, he loved it. I have checked online and you can get it in Asda, Tesco and other shops in the UK I had never actually seen it here before.
This is the Portuguese version that I have And this is the one sold here (which I will try to order) |
Week Three
This week I increased the amount of times he was eating so we started the day by giving him his bottle of milk, then mid morning I would give him some purred fruit i.e. Apple, pear, strawberry and sometimes we also mixed them with some baby rice just to give it a bit of texture or we would give him some Cerelac or baby porridge. Then he would have another bottle of milk around lunch time, and late afternoon he would have some steamed pureed vegetables. In the evening he would have another bottle of milk, and occasionally he would wake up at around 10/11pm for another bottle and sometimes I would add a little Cerelac in his bottle to make it a bit more substantial I would only do this if I felt he hadn't eaten much during the day.
Week Four
From this week we stuck to the same pattern as week 3 but we I started mixing vegetables and fruits to give him some different flavours and I also started giving him some baby snacks, I have only tried him on 2 so far the first one was the Ella's Kitchen Grab Me Melty Puffs and the Kiddylicious Wafers, we have got both the Blueberry and the banana ones but he has only tried the blueberry ones so far.
We are now is week 5 and still going strong, he is doing so well and he loves his food. I will do another update maybe in a month or so and share his progress.
I also wanted to just do a little disclaimer just to say that I am just a mum and I am not in any way giving any advice or saying that this is the best way to wean, I am simply sharing what I have been doing and what works for me and my family and if I can help someone then that's brilliant.
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